Clipboard Magic 5 Released After Six Years | Rapid eLearning |

Clipboard Magic 5 at its core is a clipboard manager for the Windows operating system that improves the standard clipboard functionality significantly.


All text that you copy to the clipboard is saved automatically by the program, so that you can access each entry for as long as the program is up and running. You can paste a saved entry easily by selecting it first with the left-mouse button or cursor keys in the program interface, and then using the shortcut Ctrl-v to paste it into another application. Even better, you can copy multiple saved clips to paste them all at once into another application.


This is done by selecting multiple clips in the Clipboard Magic interface, selecting Edit > Copy all clips to the clipboard (or alternatively Shift-Ctrl-A), and then pasting the contents directly via Ctrl-V or the mouse.


All major program features are accessible both via menus and the mouse, and keyboard shortcuts. The program supports two special pasting shortcuts. You can use Shift-Ctrl-[0-9] to paste the last ten saved entries directly without selection. The shortcut Shift-Ctrl-P allows series pasting. The shortcut may interfere with other programs like Firefox (where it launches private browsing mode). You can change both keyboard shortcuts in the program options.


Clipboard Magic 5 :

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