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The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics

The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics | Peer2Politics |

The three main ideas are summarised here. They were more progressive taxation to create greater equality both as a matter of fact and to deliver justice in the way that the deficit was tackled. Second, the tax gap was to be tackled to provide funding and to create a level playing field for business. And third, People’s Quantitative Easing was, in combination with a National Investment Bank, to be used to fund a new industrial strategy. What the document did not say was what the overall vision was: it focussed on policies not philosophies but it rattled the mainstream media and much of Labour nonetheless.


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Renewal | ‘The New Economics’ in Norwich: a revival of radical left-wing economic thinking?

Renewal | ‘The New Economics’ in Norwich: a revival of radical left-wing economic thinking? | Peer2Politics |
A quarterly journal of politics and ideas, committed to exploring and expanding the progressive potential of social democracy
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Strategies Moving Forward: Social Movements and Progressive Governments – A Round Table Discussion | Heathwood Press

Strategies Moving Forward: Social Movements and Progressive Governments – A Round Table Discussion | Heathwood Press | Peer2Politics |
Publisher’s note: This article was extracted from Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory (Vol. 1, Issue 2). Gordon Asher, Penny Cole, Christian Fuchs, Richard Gunn, R.C. Smith Introduction The following round table discussion between several notable activists, thinkers, and academics is intended to inspire interaction and discussion. It takes place as part of Heathwood’s ongoing research …
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'We are building a strange left': towards a democratic modernity?

'We are building a strange left': towards a democratic modernity? | Peer2Politics |
Some reflections from Berlin on the launch of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25) on 9 February, 2016.
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100 days of Jeremy Corbyn: At last, a real alternative

100 days of Jeremy Corbyn: At last, a real alternative | Peer2Politics |
Jeremy Corbyn has got the big calls right and paved the way for a Labour victory in 2020. 
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We must challenge Austerity and the Deficit Lies | TLE

We must challenge Austerity and the Deficit Lies | TLE | Peer2Politics |
By Professor Mary Mellor  The Labour U-turn to vote against Osborne’s fiscal charter ‘trap’ is welcome, but it cannot stop there – Labour needs to open up a real debate about public access to money in a modern economy. Osborne’s aim to enshrine in law that States must not run deficits is profoundly undemocratic. It …
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Yanis Varoufakis has a message for Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and John McDonnell about austerity

Yanis Varoufakis has a message for Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and John McDonnell about austerity | Peer2Politics |
Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, has appealed directly to Jeremy Corbyn, the new shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and the new shadow secretary for international development Diane Abbott at a meeting of the People's Assembly in London.
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Don't Believe the Corbyn Bashers - The Economic Case Against Public Ownership Is Mostly Fantasy

Don't Believe the Corbyn Bashers - The Economic Case Against Public Ownership Is Mostly Fantasy | Peer2Politics |
Te escribo para invitarte a participar en Somero 2015, nuestro encuentro de este año. Si puedes echar un ojo a verás que la programación confirmada es increíble. Hoy publiqué un post que puede ayudarte a elegir qué días reservar 

Si estás pensando en el viaje, quiero comentarte que este año hemos conseguido importantes descuentos en Renfe, Alsa e Iberia y estamos negociando tarifas preferenciales con distintos hoteles de la ciudad. Además, estamos cerrando acuerdos con patrocinadores a los efectos de poder bajar el coste de la participación en Somero 2015 al máximo. 

Me haría mucha ilusión verte este año en Gijón! 
Reserva tu plaza cuanto antes en 

Un gran abrazo 
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Alternatives to Capitalism: Greece, Grassroots (Participatory) Movements and the Question of "How?" | Heathwood Press

Alternatives to Capitalism: Greece, Grassroots (Participatory) Movements and the Question of "How?" | Heathwood Press | Peer2Politics |

Over the course of the past couple weeks, the idea that there is no alternative to capitalism has been reinforced. With the sickening treatment of Greece by the EU, which saw neoliberal capitalist austerity forced on a people democratically against that very course of policy, there is no wonder why frustration and even hopelessness pervades the psyche of progressives throughout the world.

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Jeremy Corbyn: what’s his economic plan? | Paul Mason - YouTube

Jeremy Corbyn wants to print money to invest in the UK. He's calling it "People's Quantitative Easing". Rivals like Yvette Cooper say he's talking nonsense b...
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Corbynomics must smash this cosy consensus on debt | Zoe Williams

Corbynomics must smash this cosy consensus on debt | Zoe Williams | Peer2Politics |
Jeremy Corbyn needn’t be a messiah, just ready to say what’s wrong without being stifled by the fear of sounding radical
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Winning with a greener future

Winning with a greener future | Peer2Politics |

Jeremy Corbyn has set out his ideas for environmental policy, strongly emphasising greener energy, as part of his Vision for Britain 2020 theme of policies. He says: “I pledge, if elected Leader of the Labour Party, to meet the challenge of climate change with 10 energy pledges to reform our broken, dated and polluting energy market.”

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Win or lose, Jeremy Corbyn has already changed the rules of the game | Seumas Milne

Win or lose, Jeremy Corbyn has already changed the rules of the game | Seumas Milne | Peer2Politics |
In six weeks, Labour’s outsider has forced anti-austerity on to the agenda and created a national movement
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Susan Watkins: Oppositions. New Left Review 98, March-April 2016.

After years of economic crisis and social protest, the cartel parties of the extreme centre now face a challenge to their dominance from outside-left forces in a number of Western countries. Contours of the emergent left oppositions, their platforms and figureheads, from Tsipras to Corbyn, Sanders to Mélenchon, Grillo to Iglesias.
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Methodology for a New Politics: Changing the 'Operating System' of the Left after the Greek experience of 2015

Methodology for a New Politics: Changing the 'Operating System' of the Left after the Greek experience of 2015 | Peer2Politics |
Andreas Karitzis presents the 2016 Phyllis Clarke Memorial Lecture: Methodology for a New Politics
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A Critique Of Yanis Varoufakis' Democracy In Europe Movement (DiEM25)

A Critique Of Yanis Varoufakis' Democracy In Europe Movement (DiEM25) | Peer2Politics |
Thomas Fazi Yanis Varoufakis’ new Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25) has recently released its long-awaited manifesto (he also discusses the moveme
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Varoufakis launches Democracy in Europe Movement 2025

Varoufakis launches Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 | Peer2Politics |
Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, or DiEM 25, is billed as an alternative to prevailing authoritarianism and austerity.
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The Future of Work: Can Minority Americans Shift the Labor Debate to the Left? - Pacific Standard

The Future of Work: Can Minority Americans Shift the Labor Debate to the Left?
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Labour conference: John McDonnell to push for 'Robin Hood tax' - BBC News

Labour conference: John McDonnell to push for 'Robin Hood tax' - BBC News | Peer2Politics |
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell is to push for a "Robin Hood tax" on the stock market and announce a review of tax collection in the UK in a Labour conference speech.
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Hope, power and delusion

Hope, power and delusion | Peer2Politics |
Jeremy Corbyn has won
the race for leadership of the Labour party. But Greek and Spanish activists advise against placing too much faith in political parties.
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Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical is the New Normal

Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical is the New Normal | Peer2Politics |
Feeling anxious about life in a broken economy on a strained planet? Turn despair into action.
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What the Corbyn moment means for the left

What the Corbyn moment means for the left | Peer2Politics |
At long last, the left is asking itself whether power without principle is worth having. 
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Dominoes of Democracy? Europe's Left Finds Hope in Anti-Austerity Vote

Dominoes of Democracy? Europe's Left Finds Hope in Anti-Austerity Vote | Peer2Politics |
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What can the Canadian left learn from the Greek crisis?

What can the Canadian left learn from the Greek crisis? | Peer2Politics |
The left, unions, and social movements should keep pushing their agenda even if the NDP is elected. An electoral party should serve the people and movements that elect it, not the other way around.
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To Topple US 'Oligarchy,' Sanders Calls for Publicly Financed Elections

To Topple US 'Oligarchy,' Sanders Calls for Publicly Financed Elections | Peer2Politics |

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who has been vocal on the campaign trail about the scourge of big money in politics, said on Sunday he would push legislation in Congress to provide public funding of elections.

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