How To Turn Any YouTube & Vimeo Video Into A Profit Pulling Machine Through VidJack | Online Marketing Tools |
Gate a part of your video from users until they fill your Optin form.Present your viewers with the opportunity to share the video over social media before proceeding to watch the rest of the content!Call your viewers to immediate action by adding highly engaging CTAs and clickable buttons at any point.Build scarcity and urgency in your campaigns with ethical and effective countdown timers.10X your engagement by adding multiple-choice quizzes and polls inside any youtube or vimeo video.Next-Gen “Video in Video”: Maximize conversions by embeding videos inside your videos.Customize the player and controls to suit your needs. Enable autoplay, sticky video to keep eyeballs on both the video and your marketing messages.Insert your video within attractive player skins (iPad, Mac, Blackboard, Whiteboard & countless others) to engage with a higher number of viewers each day and many more....