How To Use Data Bypassing iOS14 Ad Blocks With AdRaven Bundle Deal | Online Marketing Tools |

When Apple started blocking Facebook Ads Tracking Pixel it impacted all Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns. It’s not uncommon for most Facebook advertisers to be short up to 30% of actual orders on their store due to tracking issues cause by AdBlockers, Apple’s ITP (Safari and iOS 14 included). One of the possible solution is using Facebook conversion API. Doing that, website data is not directly sent to Facebook VIA Facebook Pixel. You are sending it to an intemediary server which then in-turn passes data to Facebook. Manually doing that without the help of any developers is next to impossible. Even if you are able to manually set this up you will have a recurring cost of tracking server. With AdRaven even though Facebook Pixel may be blocked by iOS or Ads Blockers, data which is sent to their servers won’t be blocked.