Dynamic Static Cloud-based QR Verse Code Builder Making Your Online Business absolutely Perfect & Monetizing Bundle | Online Marketing Tools | Scoop.it
It has been built for a Step by Step creation process experience, with a Workflow 100% Intuitive, and adapted To All Internet Connection Speeds. The Best Business Management Experience (10 Folders Max) : You can Create, Edit, Delete, and Even Organize all QR Codes Into Folders For The Best Business Management Experience, which is something not other QR Code Builder can do. 20+ QR Code Types: Custom Page, Website, Call, SMS, Text, Paypal, Bitcoin, WiFi, Email, Whatsapp, Google Maps, Event, Images, Videos, Document, App, Coupon, Audio, Profile Card, Feedback, Social Media, password protection included, with new QR Code Types added on a monthly basis with the Template Club Upgrade. Customize anything you want in the QR Codes: You are even able to customize anything you want in the QR Codes like colors, backgrounds, shapes, logo, frames, extra fonts, size, and even precision, making it the most flexible QR Code Builder ever.