Google Penalty World
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Google Penalty World
Google penalizations algorithms: From Google Panda, to Penguin, news, tools and resources
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 27, 2013 3:29 PM!

Hummingbird: The New Google Search Algorithm Affects 90% of Web Sites

Hummingbird: The New Google Search Algorithm Affects 90% of Web Sites | Google Penalty World |
MENLO PARK, California (Reuters) - Google Inc has overhauled its search algorithm, the foundation of the Internet's dominant search engine, to better cope with the longer, more complex queries it has been...
Robin Good's insight:

Google has announced this week that its web search engine is now being driven by a new algorithm, officially known as Hummingbird.

The transition to the new algo took place sometime during August, and it affects approximately 90 percent of worldwide searches.

The Hummingbird algorithm focuses on understanding the meaning of more complex inquiries, according to comments from Google's senior VP of search, Amit Singhal. 

Read more: 

FAQ on Google Hummingbird: 

Check whether your web site was positively or negatively affected with Fruition: 

Neil Ferree's curator insight, September 27, 2013 5:50 PM

Social Shares is the New SEO. The more Social Shares your Authorship creates, the better your Authority becomes.

If this article was useful, please share it.

jmwakasege's comment, September 28, 2013 8:27 AM
Thank you for the heads up, though we need content is the king in this era. With changes like this.
Scooped by Robin Good
January 29, 2012 7:58 AM!

What Makes This Change a Different One: How Google+ Could Kill Google Search Business

What Makes This Change a Different One: How Google+ Could Kill Google Search Business | Google Penalty World |

Nathan Safran writes at Search Engine Watch:

"There have been numerous instances in the past where users have been up in arms about the latest Google change, insisting they were moving on to other search engines.

Panda, while painful for many publishers ultimately proved itself to improve search results relevancy.

Google Instant and Preview brought with them cries of "SEO is Dead!" and vows to move on to greener pastures. All the while the needle hasn't budged on Google's market share.

But what makes this time different is this is the first time the credibility of their core search results are being called into question.

Without question, social is an important part of how online users will consume and spread quality content.

But it has to be integrated in a manner that doesn't degrade core search functionality, or worse, sully searcher trust in what is still the most utilized search engine in the world.

Because this, more than anything Google's core competitors can do to them, could prove itself to be the tossed pebble that brings the mighty giant to its knees."

Interesting, informative. 8/10

Read the full article: 

(Curated by Robin Good)

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 15, 2012 9:38 AM!

The New Google Conundrum | John Battelle's Search Blog

The New Google Conundrum | John Battelle's Search Blog | Google Penalty World |

John Battelle writes in his blog:

"Given that Google+ results are dominating so many SERPs these days, Google is clearly leveraging its power in search to build up Google+.

Unless a majority of people start turning SPYW (Search Plus Your World) off, or decide to search in a logged out way, Google has positioned Google+ as a sort of “mini Internet,” ..."

...“Google has decided that beating Facebook is worth selling their soul.”


"...If a large percentage of people are logged into Google and/or Google+ when they are searching for stuff, ...Google+ pages are going to rank well for those people.

Hence, I really have no choice but to play Google’s game, and tend to my Google+ page, be I a brand, a person, a small business…. are you getting the picture here?

If you decide to NOT play on Google+, you will, in essence, be devalued in Google search, at least for the percentage of people who are logged in whilst using Google."

Read the full article (and the comments below):

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Scooped by Robin Good
May 21, 2012 11:54 AM!

Google Penguin Update and What Bing Suggests To Do: Diversify Out of Search

Google Penguin Update and What Bing Suggests To Do: Diversify Out of Search | Google Penalty World |

From the original article by Barry Schwartz on Search Engine Land: "Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft Bing, wrote a blog post on the Bing Search blog named Penguins & Pandas Poetry.

The post is about Google’s latest Penguin update and how SEOs and webmasters need to be better prepared for such updates.

The basic advice is simple, SEOs and webmasters need to do one thing – diversify.

Duane is not just saying, focus on Bing and make sure your site does well there too.

Yes, if you lose all your Google traffic, ranking well in Bing is nice but since Bing only has about 30% marketshare, you are still missing out on a lot of traffic."

Interesting. 6/10

Full article:

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 15, 2012 10:07 AM!

Google Search Plus is a Disaster for Search | Phil Bradley

Google Search Plus is a Disaster for Search | Phil Bradley | Google Penalty World |

Excerpted from the article: "How much of an issue is this?

It's a seriously large issue, because it immediately limits what I see to a small subsection of my actual world.

I'm not seeing content from all my contacts, just those that Google chooses to show me.

If you think that there are anti-trust implications in this you would be right.

Only those contacts of mine who are active in Google+ are showing up, and this is one of the reasons why I have been encouraging people to get G+ accounts and to become active in that arena.

I don't like it, but Google is essentially doing its best to force everyone into that service. As long as Google remains the key search engine out there, and as long as we continue to use it, we're going to have to play by their rules.

Now, if this just hurt other social networks, I probably wouldn't have that much of an issue, but it doesn't, it hurts me. This is not a helpful service at all.

Now, you can argue that I'm making a fuss over nothing, since I can simply click on the world icon and see everything back to normal again.

That's true, but we've only got half the story so far.

What happens when I try and use Google without being logged into my account - when it doesn't know who I am, or anything about me?"

Find out by reading the full article:

Katipsoi Zunontee's comment, January 17, 2012 7:09 PM
Robin Here in Brazil is going on a challenge of SEO where we ranker a page for the term Katipsoi Zunontee. My page for participation is as follows: If you have any suggestions what I can do tell me. TKS