Nathan Safran writes at Search Engine Watch:
"There have been numerous instances in the past where users have been up in arms about the latest Google change, insisting they were moving on to other search engines.
Panda, while painful for many publishers ultimately proved itself to improve search results relevancy.
Google Instant and Preview brought with them cries of "SEO is Dead!" and vows to move on to greener pastures. All the while the needle hasn't budged on Google's market share.
But what makes this time different is this is the first time the credibility of their core search results are being called into question.
Without question, social is an important part of how online users will consume and spread quality content.
But it has to be integrated in a manner that doesn't degrade core search functionality, or worse, sully searcher trust in what is still the most utilized search engine in the world.
Because this, more than anything Google's core competitors can do to them, could prove itself to be the tossed pebble that brings the mighty giant to its knees."
Interesting, informative. 8/10
Read the full article:
(Curated by Robin Good)