Google Penalty World
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Google Penalty World
Google penalizations algorithms: From Google Panda, to Penguin, news, tools and resources
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
July 11, 2013 5:08 AM!

Google Penguin 2.0: The Updated Reference Guide

Google Penguin 2.0: The Updated Reference Guide | Google Penalty World |
While a lot of the specifics of the Google Penguin 2.0 update are still shaking out, a great deal of information has already emerged. Here's a look at what we know, how Penguin 2.0 is affecting sites, and what to do if your site has been impacted.
Robin Good's insight:

If you are new to the Google Penguin algorithm and want to get the full story on it as well as specific, practical advice on how to counter it, Jayson DeMers on SearchEngineWatch has a good review that includes everything you need to know.

In essence, the Google Penguin algo focuses on is unnatural, manipulative inbound link profiles.

What makes a bad link profile? Google believes that these are the link factors that can get you in a bad situation:

  • Links coming from poor quality sites
  • Links on sites that aren't topically relevant to your niche or business
  • Paid links
  • Keyword rich links
  • Links where the anchor text is overly optimized (i.e., exact-match anchor text)

The article covers the Google Penguin history, its focus, and a roadmap of steps to take to avoid being caught by it.

Useful. Good summary. 7/10

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 27, 2013 5:31 AM!

PMD (Partial Match Domains) Targeted by Google Last Algo Updated

PMD (Partial Match Domains) Targeted by Google Last Algo Updated | Google Penalty World |
On the morning of June 26th, MozCast registered a record high temperature of 113 degrees. This is an initial investigation into the possible algorithm update, and a potential partial-match domain (PMD) connection.
Robin Good's insight:

Google has updated its algorithms again yesterday, and by looking at the amount of changes in the SERPs this does not look like something minor.

According to the research and analysis done by Dr Pete on the MOZ blog, the web sites that have been most affected are those that utilize in their domain name some of the keywords for which they are being searched for.

These are called PDM (partial domain matches) and data shows that these have all been strongly affected.

So, if you own a web site that utilizes some of your niche keywords in its name and have seen a sudden drop in traffic or earnings since yesterday, check out the thorough analysis that Dr. Pete has done and see for yourself what is really happening.

From the article intro: "If you follow our MozCast Google "weather" tracker, you may have noticed something unusual this morning – a record algorithm flux temperature of 113.3°F (the previous high was 102.2°, set on December 13, 2012). While the weather has been a bit stormy off and on since Penguin 2.0 and the announcement of 10-day rolling Panda updates, this one was still off the charts: "

Informative. Useful data. 8/10

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