Panda Recovery: A Happy-Ending Story of Complacency and Hard Decisions | Google Penalty World |

Robin Good: If you are ready for some special kind of good news, here is a Panda recovery story worth reading. It took a lot of efforts, perseverance and patience, but in the end full recovery was achieved.

From the original article: "In the fall of 2011, I was contacted by the Director of Marketing for a B2B company.

The company’s website had been hammered by Panda, and he didn’t know what to do. I could tell very quickly that his team was truly baffled.

The company and website have been around for a long time, the site contains a boatload of ultra-high quality content, and used to rank for thousands of keywords.

The Director of Marketing made sure to point me to their top articles, whitepapers, blog posts, etc. after our initial conversation. I can tell you that he was right; they had a ton of great content.

In addition, the site’s link profile was not only clean, but it was ridiculously impressive.

They had earned tens of thousands of links, many from relevant and powerful sites in their industry.

Needless to say, I was fascinated by this story, and I was eager to begin assisting them.

Although the company will remain anonymous, I received approval to write this post covering the details and key learnings.

Everyone involved agreed that there are some great points here for others hit by Panda, so they were cool with me covering what happened."

Must read. 9/10

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