Google Penalty World
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Google Penalty World
Google penalizations algorithms: From Google Panda, to Penguin, news, tools and resources
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 22, 2013 1:34 PM!

The Google Algorithm Changes Weather Report by MozCast

The Google Algorithm Changes Weather Report by MozCast | Google Penalty World |
MozCast is a weather report showing turbulence in the Google algorithm over the previous day. The hotter and stormier the weather, the more Google's rankings changed.
Robin Good's insight:

Mozcast is a free data reporting service which allows you to see general trends and symptoms indicating whether Google is making significant changes to its search ranking algorithms.

MozCast has been designed to help you keep track of the day-to-day changes in the Google algorithm by tracking a hand-picked set of 1,000 keywords and by grabbing the top 10 Google organic results.

These are compared with the previous day's top 10 (for any given keyword), to produce something that looks like a temperature (in °F). An average day is about 70°F.

Free to consult.

Try it out now:

Learn more about how it works:

(Thanks to Donnie Strompf for kindly suggesting it)

valeriecharron's curator insight, July 6, 2013 3:01 AM

Pinguin 3.0 impacts

Scooped by Robin Good
June 9, 2013 1:10 PM!

Monitor and Track Google Algorithm Changes with Algoroo

Monitor and Track Google Algorithm Changes with Algoroo | Google Penalty World |
Robin Good's insight:

To monitor Google algo changes and updates there is a new free tool which visualizes on a day-by-day basis the "turbulence" (quantity of movement) of thousands of keywords inside Google SERPs.

When the turbulence gets high you know that Google has made some changes.

Free to use:

Similar tools: Panguin Tool - Algosleuth

Robin Good's comment, June 21, 2013 11:08 AM
Yeah, I am there too, right here: but I am not familiar with the MaxImpact Hangout though I have gone to check out the page by Max Minzer.
Donnie Strompf's comment, June 21, 2013 3:12 PM
Oh sweet i'm now following you. What do you think? You wanna be a hosted as a guest on the show. We've created a article on Max Impact, in this article you can see other SEOs that have been on the show
Robin Good's comment, June 22, 2013 1:13 PM
Yes Donnie, I am more available to accept your kind offer (after the 15th of July).

You can contact me at my official email