Google Penalty World
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Google Penalty World
Google penalizations algorithms: From Google Panda, to Penguin, news, tools and resources
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 26, 2012 11:16 PM!

The Google Penalization Guide: Everything You Wanted To Know About It

The Google Penalization Guide: Everything You Wanted To Know About It | Google Penalty World |

Robin Good: If you are looking to understand more about Google penalizations, whether "algorithmic" (like Google Panda) or "manual", here is a great guide by David Harry to dive into.

Key sections in this guide include:

  • Have You Been Penalized?
  • What Can You Get Penalized For?
  • Diagnosing a Google Penalty
  • How to Deal With a Google Penalty
  • Dealing with Algorithm Changes
  • What Data to Keep for the SEO Doctor

Recommended. 8/10

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 21, 2012 2:12 AM!

Google Penalizes Web Pages With Too Many Ads "Above The Fold"

Google Penalizes Web Pages With Too Many Ads "Above The Fold" | Google Penalty World |

From the article: "Similar to how last year’s Panda Update works, Google is examining sites it finds and effectively tagging them as being too ad-heavy or not.

If you’re tagged that way, you get a ranking decrease attached to your entire site (not just particular pages) as part of today’s launch.

If you reduce ads above-the-fold, the penalty doesn’t instantly disappear. Instead, Google will make note of it when it next visits your site. But it can take several weeks until Google’s “push” or “update” until the new changes it has found are integrated into its overall ranking system, effectively removing penalties from sites that have changed and adding them to new ones that have been caught."

From Google’s post on its Inside Search blog yesterday:

"We’ve heard complaints from users that if they click on a result and it’s difficult to find the actual content, they aren’t happy with the experience.

Rather than scrolling down the page past a slew of ads, users want to see content right away.

So sites that don’t have much content “above-the-fold” can be affected by this change. If you click on a website and the part of the website you see first either doesn’t have a lot of visible content above-the-fold or dedicates a large fraction of the site’s initial screen real estate to ads, that’s not a very good user experience.

Such sites may not rank as highly going forward.

Google also posted the same information to its Google Webmaster Central blog."

Read the full article: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 26, 2012 12:57 PM!

Google Panda 3.2 Update Confirmed

Google Panda 3.2 Update Confirmed | Google Penalty World |

"Google has confirmed reports of a Panda update with us.

[Google] told us they have done a data refresh of the Google Panda algorithm about a week ago, and added that there were no additional signals or algorithm changes. This was only a data refresh.

I saw reports over the past week or so of webmasters commenting about their rankings. Most were complaining that they lost rankings, but some said sites that were originally hit by Panda regained their traffic levels pre-Panda. This would explain the data refresh, where Google ran the algorithm and updated the sites that should or should not have been touched by Panda."

Read the full article: 

(thanks to Giuseppe Mauriello)

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